jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Surprises and Frustrations

       Dennis Miller is coming to visit Brent. It is very interesting to observe how Brent changes his attitude completely when he hears this news. Runyon changes his diction to emphasize on Brent’s enthusiasm and emotion. This is demonstrated when Brent thinks, “Jesus, I can’t think of anything to say. I’m such an idiot” (p. 255). The reader can visualize the frustration Brent is going through at that moment. The use of the word idiot also grabs the reader’s attention and warns him that something is happening in Brent’s mind. It is important to highlight that Brent’s parents are doing a very good job in distracting Brent from his main problem. Although he is still getting frustrated with most of the activities he does, Brent is not thinking as much on why he got burned and the horrible scars he has around his body. Even though he has not completely forgotten about the incident, the big surprises his parents gave him have shifted his attention. Brent demonstrates this when he states, “Wow, that’s completely right. I never thought of that” (p. 263). Brent has gone, little by little, back to the life with his friends and outdoor activities. The diction used in the quote above also makes the reader see Brent’s surprise as this is the first doctor that he feels says something useful.
       When Brent goes into Dominion Hospital, he begins to feel that it is not the place for him. The word choice in this section of the book is also key in demonstrating Brent’s discontent and fury in the hospital. For example, when Brent thinks: “I can’t believe she asked me that. Do I look like a druggie? I thought it would be obvious” (p. 280). The fact that all the interns think he is a drug addict and treat him as one disturbs him. The first sentence’s diction is very clear in emphasizing his surprise and indignation at such a comment. I believe that Brent is beginning to regain the feeling that there is something definitely wrong with him and that he cannot live a normal life. He is at the point where he can believe in himself and, with the support of others, achieve his full mental recuperation or go back to feeling he is different from everybody else. Other situations shock Brent, such as the one where one of his best friends is going to move out just because his parents are too afraid that he might do something like Brent did. This kind of astonishments make him feel like he is responsible for the bad things that happen and will enter a profound depression. Runyon is able to demonstrate the struggle Brent is going through by his effective and detailed use of diction in situations where comprehension is key to understand the main character’s reasoning. Which path will Brent take?      

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