martes, 22 de enero de 2013

An Age of Change

                The English language now came to a point in which it started being controversial. Not only was it the dominating language in several parts of the world, but it was the language in which many publications were written in. Moreover, it was the main way in which knowledge was transferred. Among the main thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was John Locke. He stated, “If the definition of words could be agreed and misunderstandings avoided, peace would follow” (The Adventure of English). I agree with Locke in the sense that most misunderstandings occur because of the different use of the same language. If people are able to understand one another, they will probably work their differences out and stay out of conflict. Newton introduced several terms that were used to describe scientific investigations. I believe that this refining of the English language was essential so scientific concepts could be transmitted accurately and precisely. Newton redefined English for his benefit, but it really was a benefit for all.

            Jonathan Swift hated the “vulgar liberties” that individuals were taking with the English language. I found it surprising to see that the critics to the English language began centuties ago and are not a new thing. I agree with Swift in the sense that English should be standardized and should have clear gramatical rules. This is essential for its well-functioning. Samuel Johnson created one of the most famous dictionary. However, one of his major flaws was that he did not include words that he did not understand or that related to science. I disagree with him in this aspect, since these words are essential for certain knowledge to be expressed appropiately. Austen had a very particular viwe of the English language, since she thought of it as a way to judge one’s social status and determine his social acceptability. I found this very interesting since it represents another way, besides knowledge, in which the English language was being used. This greatly influenced social life at the time. Another great thinker of the era, Thomas Paine, believed that “simpler language could carry precise thought” (The Adventure of English). This is completely true. I belive that the more complex a language gets, the more it can express, but thee fewer it can be understood. William Wordsworth agreed with Paine in this aspect, since he thought that special poetic diction was not needed for a message to be transmitted. So long as the individual understood what is said, nothing else is needed. Finally, William Cobbet summarizes the importance of English in daily life. Without English, one will not be able to acquire sufficient knowledge to progress in life.

            Some of the problems with the theories deal with the fact that the English language is and will continue to change. English will not remain static and will continue a process of evolution that does not allow English to be completely standardized. In addition, English will differ depending on the región it is spoken in. Therefore, several dialects will begin branching off the language and keep creting misunderstandings and several slangs. The thinkers’ logical thinking Works only for their present, not necessarily for the future of the language. In the present, we continue to view language as the main way to acquire knowledge. However, we view our language as a manner of communicating and being able come to agreements. Each one views their language differently depending on how it was taught to them and how they use it.
The Adventure of English. Dir. Nigel Wattis. Perf. Amanda Root and David Gwillim. LWT, 2003. Youtube. 19 Sept. 2011. Web. 22 Jan. 2013.

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