sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Practice and Revision Makes Perfection

            Mr. Tangen did a very effective job in the audio commentary and was able to transmit several important points to keep in mind in every research paper I write. First of all, I completely agree that the title is one of the most important parts in a document, since it not only captures the reader’s attention, but it provides a very brief insight on what the paper will be about. Also, I agree that the language government uses is very particular since it has to be very careful with saying inappropiate words or ideas that might be misinterpreted since it can result in nation-wide chaos. I found it very interesting as I was listening to the audio commentary to see that sometimes I was redundant with some ideas. I believe I did this with the intention of making my point clear and maybe because that was a crucial point in my argument. Nevertheless, I recognize that these points could be made without the necessity to reapeat myself.
            In addition, I also considered the subtitles to be effective in my research paper since they visually helped the reader to see how the document was layed out and the different topics I was going to discuss. Another suggestion Mr. Tangen made was to avoid wordiness and long sentences. These two suggestions go together because wordiness lead to long sentences. Varying the length of my sentences will most definitely make me write more concisely. Finally, it is important to point out that there was one case in which I needed to revise gramar. I wrote “reflects on” instead of reflects. This is due to the fact that there are some times that I think what I am going to say in Spanish and then translate it in my mind to English. I have to get used to thinking in English when writing in English and thinking in Spanish when writing in Spanish.

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